What to Expect

We are glad you are here!

Reflection Church is a multi-generational, multi-ethnic community passionate about the Word of God, the worship of God, and the work of God.  All the ministries of Reflection Church are designed to move you from where you are to where God wants you to be.

Whether you are a first-time visitor or a member, we pray you experience God’s presence in a genuine and personal way! We are here to serve you.

Sunday Experience

A typical service lasts about 90 minutes. We sing  worship music with enthusiasm and spontaneity,  expecting to encounter God's presence. We preach biblically based messages that will apply to your life. We have prayer time where we expect to see miracles and breakthrough. Children's ministry with well-trained, background checked volunteers is provided for all services. Plan to stay around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

Wednesday Night Experience

Our Wednesday Night experience from 7-8pm is called, "Harp & Bowl." You may wonder, where does this name come from? In Revelation 5, John paints a heavenly picture of those surrounding God's throne with a harp in one hand and a bowl in the other, representing songs of exaltation and prayers to God. We believe God has called us to follow Heaven's blueprint and experience the dynamism of spontaneous, Spirit-led song and prayer.

We encourage our children (8+) to participate in Harp & Bowl to grow in their  life with God. Childcare is provided for ages 0-7.   

The Prayer Room Experience

We have a 24/7 prayer room that fans the flame of personal intimacy with the Lord.  We are not a church that prays, but we are a praying church!

For more information about the prayer room and access, email us at [email protected].

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